Thursday, December 15, 2011

Secret Confidence Boosters!

Gossiping:  Dishing with friends is fun, but when you're always bagging on other people behind their backs, you'll begin to wonder if they're talking about you that way too. And it's impossible to feel secure when you're worried that people are judging you. 

Confidence Tip: The next time your friends start whispering about another girl, nix the harsh comment and say something positive instead. Building up other people will kick up your confidence. 

Modesty: No one wants to sound conceited. But if you're constantly dismissing praise, you'll miss out on well-deserved boosts to your self-esteem--or even worse, you might make yourself feel like you actually are unworthy!

Confidence Tip: You won't sound egotistical if your response is genuinely appreciative. ("That's so nice of you, Thanks!") It will show you don't expect praise. Then let those kind words sink in!

Competing: A little bit of competition will keep you motivated. But always trying to outdo everyone else can make you believe that you must prove yourself or be the best just to get people to respect you. 

Confidence Tip: Instead of competing yourself with friends, focus on things you enjoy. (Like in art class, think about how great it feels to be creative, not the best painter.) You'll feel good about you--and worry less about how you stack up!

Procrastinating: Sometimes assignments seems hard (or boring) that you'll find excuses to do them later. But if you always turn in things late or fail tests because you didn't leave enough time to study, you'll start to feel like you're not capable of doing it well.

Confidence Tip: Make your work more manageable by breaking down what you need to do for each assignment as soon as you get it. Tackle a few steps each day, then reward yourself with a break!

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